Product Categories
Polarimetric Radar
Ocean Graphic & Environmental Equipment System
Amphibian Machinery & Tool Carrier
Oil Flushing System
Water Removal, Oil Filtration and Cleaning System
Solvent Recycling System
Centralize Lubrication System
Oil Leak & Spill Detection Systems
Oil & Chemical Spill Kits
Emergency Portable Storage Tanks
Oil Testing Kits
Oil Monitoring Instrument & Contamination Sensor
Industrial Filters
Industrial Supplies
Fabrication Work
Electrostatic Oil Filtration System
Our Electrostatic Liquid cleaning machine or Filtration Machine involves static charging of ionized suspended solid contaminants in oils and collecting them on enormously spread surface of die-electric media. The unique system like Liquid cleaning equipment complements & enhances the usable life of oil & mechanical filters. Our Electrostatic Oil Filtration Systems are used to improve the precision of machine components like servo valves, pumps and sliding mechanisms. We offer various models of electrostatic oil filtration system to suit different requirements of the customers.