Our organization offers highly efficient Water Glycol Cleaning Machine
where by the complete volume of the filter serves as a filtration media and provides efficient filtration of dust, metallic particles, sludge, soot etc.
Below are its benefits:
- Filtration Capacity: NAS 4-5 Cleanliness Class
- Moisture Removal Capacity: less than 50 PPM or 0.005% moisture level
- Oil Viscosity handled: 0 – 150 cSt
- Oil Grades handled: Water Glycol, Hydraulic, Lube, Turbine Oil, Gear Oil
- Higher Oil Life: Retains Viscosity, TBN, Flash Point
- Prevents Valve Failures due to removal of sticky sludge
- Prevent Pump Failures due to removal of Micronics particles
- Increases bearing life due to moisture free oil