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Green Bridge – Eco Technology Water Filtration System for Polluted Streams, Drains and Rivers

VJ Engineering is the authorized agent of GWRPL for Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei

VJ Engineering is the Authorized Agent of GWRPL – India for the country of Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei.

Green Bridge River Eco Restoration Wastewater Malaysia Singapore Brunei

VJ Engineering has been appointed as GWRPL – India’s Authorized Representative / Agent for Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei, to market, sell, install and to provide after sales services for GWRPL products.

The Best Eco Restoration Solution for wastewater and polluted Streams, Drains and Rivers

A Proven Technology to remove chemicals from Water without using electrical, mechanical and chemicals.

We provide solution of in-situ bioremediation which helps in Ecosystem Restoration by engrafting natural system which does not require electrical, mechanical and chemicals. Our solution covers both Non-Point & Point Sources of water bodies including rivers, streams, drainage, lakes, ponds and water treatment plants of any industry. Our technology uses microbial Culture, which has proven reduction in micro-pollutants, odor, color and reduction in BOD, COD, heavy metals. It also increases dissolved oxygen and gives ecologically corrected water.

The target is to reduce Methane Gas, Nitrate Concentration and eliminate Fecal Coli Form.

Green Bridge 

Green Bridge technology is works on filtration, biodegradation and biosorption mechanisms. It uses the power of biologically originated active microbial consortia, biomats, sand, gravels and the root systems of green plants. It’s an innovative approach that minimizes the cost of pollution treatment. The cellulosic/fibrous materials, like coconut coir, dried water hyacinth, or aquatic grasses, are compacted and woven to form a bridge/porous wall-like structure that is strengthened by stones and sand. All of the floating and suspended solids are trapped in this biological bridge and the turbidity of flowing water is reduced substantially.

The stones/boulders act as a filtering material and prevent the solids from passing through the bridges. The green plants/flora grown at the banks of the water body also contributes towards the treatment of the wastewater, help to absorb soluble substances including heavy metals.

Natural streams, rivers, and lakes have their own built-in purification system, consisting of wind, natural slopes, stones for biological growth, and complex food webs. The “food web” is the utilization of one organism’s waste by another as its food. Nature has her own living machinery of detritivorous microbes and other living species that consume wastes. These principles have been harnessed in the treatment of polluted streams.

Salient features

  • Designed specifically depending upon the requirements/conditions and flow of the wastewater to the rivers or lakes.
  • The length of the bridge varies with the site specifications.
  • Suitable for in situ treatment in rivers, flowing streams.

Why Choose our Eco-Technology:

  • 2+ decades of research and execution of the technologies for Point and Non-Point sources
  • 100% in-house manufacturing by our principal – GWRPL with a direct control over the quality, quantity & delivery time
  • Assured modification via our principal’s Research Institute: alter the raw material content depending upon the pollution levels and the parameters
  • Our microbial Culture has proven reduction in micro-pollutants, besides reduction in BOD, COD, heavy metals and odour; increases dissolved oxygen and gives ecologically corrected water
  • Self-Sustenance: to engraft the natural system, we use consortia of culture, where one’s waste is another’s food
  • Efficient functioning despite irregular additions
  • Most economical choice, since, there is low Capex and Opex


Green Bridge eco-technology is a horizontal filtration system which treats the polluted streams, drains and rivers with the help of microbial consortia, sand, gravel and boulders. The system is designed to be compact and miniaturised in-situ bioremediation treatment system and can also treat industrial and domestic effluents.

Green Bridges are installed at polluted rivers, streams, and drains of all sizes.

It has a capacity to treat 0.5 – 600 MLD without the need to create a diversion from the main river / drain.

Constructed drains with smaller widths, mostly those which run through a township or a city are treated with Eco-chains.

Yes, VJ will provide scope drawings for construction of Green Bridges after receiving the techno-commercially clear order. The installation work will be done under the supervision of our principal – GWRPL’s qualified engineer.

There is no retention time as the water flows through the porous Green Bridge structure.

No electrical and mechanical energy required to treat wastewater.

Yes, treated water can be used for irrigation purposes. In fact, in our past projects when the treated water was used for irrigation, the farmers reported a high quality yield. In addition, the domestic animals also began visiting the river / drain to drink water. Aquatic biodiversity also flourished.