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FuelCare FuelClear M68 Test Kit for Fungi & Bacteria Detection

FuelCare Malaysia Singapore Brunei

VJ Engineering is the Exclusive Authorized Agent of FuelCare, – UK for the country of Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei.


Fuelcare have manufactured fuel quality tests kits & biocides for over 30 years, advising some of the world’s largest OEM’s including Airbus, BP, Shell. Fuelcare is a member of IASH (International Association for the Stability & Handling of Liquid Fuels) and the Energy Institute.

What is Diesel Bugs

Microbial Fuel Contamination, or ‘the Diesel Bug’ the build up of Bacteria, Yeasts & Moulds in Hydrocarbon fuels.

Microbial Fuel Contamination Solution FuelClear Biocide Malaysia Singapore Brunei

The ‘Diesel Bug’ is the growth of bacterial & fungal slimes in your fuel. This contamination is found in almost every fuel system, and particularly where fuel is left for long periods undisturbed. The Diesel Bug manifests itself as:

  • Disscoloured fuel often with an ‘eggy’, foul smell.
  • Black or brown sludges on fuel tank bottoms, fuel filters and fuel pumps.
  • Slimes and sludges on fuel tank walls.
  • Red or brown metal corrosion in fuel tank bottoms or walls

FuelClear M68 Fuel Test  Kit

FuelCare FuelClear M68 Fuel Test Kit Malaysia, Singapore, BruneiFuelClear M68 Test Kits are an accurate and cost-effective test kit for continuously monitoring the presence of bacteria & fungi (the ‘Diesel Bug’) in your fuel. A pack contains 2 or 10 ‘dipslide’ kits: 1 test can be performed prior to treatment with FuelClear M68 Fuel Biocide, and 1 test 24 hours after treatment. Alternatively, use as an ongoing cost-effective test method.

The dipslides can be used to detect bacteria (the yellow side of the test kit) or fungi (the pink side) in either water bottoms (i.e. the layer of water at the base of the fuel tank) or the fuel itself.

  • Used globally since 1989.
  • Simple, cost-effective method of testing hydrocarbon fuels for microbial growth.
  • Available packaging: 2 test or 10 tests per pack.
  • Tests for both bacteria & yeasts.
  • Tried & Trusted in global marine, offshore & power generation markets.

How to use FuelClear M68 Test Kit

  • Withdraw dipslide from it’s tube.
  • Immerse both sides of dipslide in fuel for 10 seconds.
  • Insert back the dipslide into it’s tube & label it accordingly.
  • Incubate the closed tube in a warm environment (30°C+) for 48hrs.
  • Compare the dipslides against the chart adjacent.


FuelCare FuelClear Test Kit shows Bacteria and Fungal Test Result

Fuelclear M68 Fuel Biocide Technical Data

A pack of FuelClear M68 Fuel Test Kit contains either 2 or 10 dipslides, each dipslide contains one side for bacterial growth and one for fungal growth, Following 48 hours incubation, review each side of the dipslide for microbial colonies. Each colony represents an area upon which microbes have developed.

Fuelcare TestKit to detect Bacteria, Fungus, Mold, Yeast in Oil and Fuel