Comparative Viscosity Gauge.
The GESERCO ViscoTest comparative viscosity gauge allows immediate cross check of the viscosity of a used lubricating oil with similar new oil in order to determine if the viscosity of the used oil is acceptable. When used to test engine oils, the GESERCO ViscoTest is an efficient tool for determining the dilution of the lubricating oil with fuel oil. The operation of the GESERCO ViscoTest comparative viscosity gauge is simple, rapid and cost effective, allowing for immediate result.
BRAND: Louis C Eitzen Co Inc, USA
Model 38
The Model 38 is best for oils from approximately 8 to 160 CST. This Visgages are calibrated at room temperature but give the equivalent Centistokes reading @ 40°C.
Model 76
The Model 76 is best for oils from approximately 80 to 300 CST. This Visgages are calibrated at room temperature but give the equivalent Centistokes reading @ 40°C.
BRAND: Minimac, India
Model VTK Series
Visgage is a hand-held device which can show kinematic viscosity of oil based on comparative results with standard reference oil of 100cSt. Based on comparison of speed of SS ball through a tubular path of sample oil to that of a reference oil at 100 CST. The range of operation is 0 – 400 cSt.