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Visgage Malaysia Singapore BruneiAny company using quantities of lubricating oils, turbine oils, or hydraulic oils should have a Visgage.

The Visgage / Visgauge is the most useful instrument ever devised to aid in viscosity and analysis testing of new and used oil. Use Visgage to check any oil from a light spindle oil to heavy gear oils.

As well, specially modified Visgage viscosity testing instruments can
analyze fire-resistant hydraulic fluids and water glycol.

The operation principle: Based on comparison of speed of SS
ball through a tubular path of sample oil to that of a reference oil at
different cSt level.

Testing time : 2 minutes

Accuracy : >95% (depending on human reaction time).

Below are the visgage brand and models that we supply:



gesercoviscosity test black oil engine oil Malaysia Singapore Brunei

NEW: ViscoBille™
is now available for Engine Oil / Black Oil

The new and improved ViscoBilles™ have a
built-in* LED illuminator that lights up the test
tubes making the measuring balls easy to view
with black oils even when they are heavily
loaded with pollutants.

The ViscoBille™ V3T and
ViscoBille™ V2T patented viscometers by GESERCO
allow for the simple, rapid, accurate and cost
effective measurement of the viscosity of
lubricating and hydraulic oils.
The viscosity measurement is direct and does not
require using any stop watch nor thermometer, nor
thermostatic bath nor complex calculations.
The GESERCO ViscoBille™ V3T and Viscobille™ V2T
viscometers are light and rugged instruments which
can be operated in the field by any nonspecialized


ViscoBille™ V3TViscobille V3T geserco Malaysia Singapore Brunei
Falling ball viscometer for VI100 & VIE150 oils.

The GESERCO ViscoBille® V3T patented drop-ball viscometer enables simple, rapid, precise and cost effective viscosity measurement of monograde and multrigrade motor oils, VI100 and VIE150.


  • Control of monograde and multigrade motor oils
  • VIE 95 to 165
  • Viscosity measurement in cSt @ 40 °C and @ 20 °C
  • Determination of the SAE grade
  • Determination of the ISO grade
  • Determination of the oil dilution up to 14%

Viscobille VCD geserco Malaysia Singapore BruneiViscobille V2T VI100
Falling ball viscometer for VI100 oils. The GESERCO ViscoBille® V2T VI100 patented drop-ball viscometer enables simple, rapid, precise and cost effective viscosity measurement of monagrade VI100 motor oils.

  • Control of Monograde motor oils, VIE 95 to 110
  • Viscosity measurement in cSt @ 40 °C and @ 20 °C
  • Determination of the SAE grade
  • Determination of the ISO
  • grade Determination of the oil dilution up to 14%

Viscobille V2T VI100 geserco Malaysia Singapore BruneiViscobille V2T VI150
Falling ball viscometer for VIE150 oils.

The GESERCO ViscoBille® V2T VIE150 patented drop-ball viscometer enables simple, rapid, precise and cost effective viscosity determination of monagrade VIE150 motor oils.


  • Control of multigrade motor oils VIE 140 to 165
  • Measurement of viscosity in cSt at 40 °C and cSt at 20 °C
  • SAE grades determination
  • ISO grades determination
  • Dilution determination to 14%

Viscobille VCD
Falling ball comparative viscometer / dilution-meter.

The GESERCO VCD falling ball comparative viscometer / dilution-meter allows immediate cross check of the viscosity of any viscous liquid (lubricating oil, petroleum product, any fluid…) with one or two reference liquids in order to determine if the viscosity of the tested liquid is acceptable. It enables determining the level dilution of Diesel motor oils by gas-oil. The operation of the VCD falling ball comparative visco-meter / dilution-meter is simple and rapid, allowing for immediate result.

Viscobille VCD geserco Malaysia Singapore BruneiViscoTest
Comparative Viscosity Gauge.

The GESERCO ViscoTest comparative viscosity gauge allows immediate cross check of the viscosity of a used lubricating oil with similar new oil in order to determine if the viscosity of the used oil is acceptable. When used to test engine oils, the GESERCO ViscoTest is an efficient tool for determining the dilution of the lubricating oil with fuel oil. The operation of the GESERCO ViscoTest comparative viscosity gauge is simple, rapid and cost effective, allowing for immediate result.

BRAND: Louis C Eitzen Co Inc, USA


model 38 Louis C Eitzen Co USA Malaysia Singapore BruneiModel 38

The Model 38 is best for oils from approximately 8 to 160 CST. This Visgages are calibrated at room temperature but give the equivalent Centistokes reading @ 40°C.




model 76 Louis C Eitzen Co USA Malaysia Singapore BruneiModel 76

The Model 76 is best for oils from approximately 80 to 300 CST. This Visgages are calibrated at room temperature but give the equivalent Centistokes reading @ 40°C.



BRAND: Minimac, India



Visgage VTKSeries Minimac Malaysia Singapore BruneiModel VTK Series

Visgage is a hand-held device which can show kinematic viscosity of oil based on comparative results with standard reference oil of 100cSt. Based on comparison of speed of SS ball through a tubular path of sample oil to that of a reference oil at 100 CST. The range of operation is 0 – 400 cSt.