Biodegradable / Chemical Oil Spill Dispersant - Economical oil dispersant with degreasing power.
Oil Spill Dispersant is an easy-to-use, fast acting dispersant for responding to spilled oil on industrial floors, on manufacturing sites, or on decks. Very effective in cleaning up heavy fuel, light to medium crude oil, and industrial lubricants and greases.
Our Oil Spill Dispersant Features & Benefits:
Why should you choose Finasol OSR 52 Oil Dispersant:
According to Section 27 of the Environmental Quality Act, 1974, any person who is guilty of an offence of oil spill shall be liable to a fine not exceeding RM500,000 or
imprisonment not exceeding five (5) years or both.
In accordance to the National Oil Spill Contingency Plan under the Policy of Department of Environment, Non-Department of Environment approved dispersants are prohibited from being used in any oil spill response.
And the use of the
Department of Environment approved dispersants in the Malaysia Territorial waters must be approved by the Department of Environment State Director. The user of the dispersant must obtain approval from the DOE State Director (state based on the location of oil spill) by submitting the "Application Form on the Use of Dispersant for the Department of Environment Approval".
Under the Environmental Quality Act, 1974 and Part IV, Section 10 of the Exclusive Economic Zone Act, 1984, the release of chemical classified as environmentally hazardous substances to the marine environment is prohibited. Therefore, in the event of an oil spill, authorization for the use of dispersants to combat oil spill at sea should follow the following conditions:
And a full report on the use of dispersant must be submitted to the Department of Environment not later than 30 days after clean-up operation ceases.
Source from: em>""Guideline on the Use of Oil Spill Dispersant in Malaysia", 2016 Edition, Department of Environment, Malaysia.
YYou may contact the State Department of Environment office or get the details from the
for the approval of dispersant use.
Department of Environment eadquateres
Jabatan Alam Sekitar
KementerianSumber Asli dan Alam Sekitar
Aras 1-4, Podium 3,
Wisma Sumber Aslo,
No.25, Persiaran Perdana, Presint 4,
62574 Putrajaya.
General Line: +603-8871 2000 / +603-8871 2200
Source from: ""Guideline on the Use of Oil Spill Dispersant in Malaysia", 2016 Edition, Department of Environment, Malaysia.
We offer Oil Spill Dispersant Sprayer; diesel driven spray set for application of dispersant on oil spills. It is quipped with built-in pump to allow spraying both neat and dilute dispersant. Spray arms (optional) are designed for use on vessels and are easy to install.
Fixed-Wing Aircraft can also be used for dispersant spraying, whereby installation of spraying equipment is needed either on inside or outside of the aircraft. With helicopters, there is possibility of using a self-contained and under-slung spraying module.