Product Categories
Polarimetric Radar
Ocean Graphic & Environmental Equipment System
Amphibian Machinery & Tool Carrier
Oil Flushing System
Water Removal, Oil Filtration and Cleaning System
Solvent Recycling System
Centralize Lubrication System
Oil Leak & Spill Detection Systems
Oil & Chemical Spill Kits
Emergency Portable Storage Tanks
Oil Testing Kits
Oil Monitoring Instrument & Contamination Sensor
Industrial Filters
Industrial Supplies
Fabrication Work
Our Products
Our organization is engaged in trading and exporting of highly advanced Industrial Oil Cleaning Systems
or Oil Filtration Systems and Allied Machines. All the machines and systems that we have designed and developed are extensively used for efficient oil cleaning and removal of liquid or dirt contamination. We also offer reliable services for Onsite Oil
Filtration Services, Onsite Oil Testing and Lab Testing for Oil. By our advanced machinery and efficient services, we are serving a huge clientele, all across Power, Steel, Cement, Paper, Sugar, Automotive Mfg. and other industries. We also offer prompt after sales support.
Mobile Oil Cleaning Systems
We offers trolley mounted portable oil cleaning machines which can clean almost all industrial oils to Super-clean levels NAS 4 even from dirtiness levels of NAS 99. Another prime advantage with these machines is that low vacuum dehydration attachment is in-built for fast removal of moisture / water from the oil.
These machines are versatile in usage and can be used to clean oil in tanks (online) or in offline barrels and stand-by tanks. The benefit of such systems is that a single machine can be used to clean number of oil tanks in a plant. However the performance of the machine will depend largely on usage by factory
personnel who will have to schedule it to different oil tank locations sincerely and religiously.
Oils which can be cleaned :
- Hydraulic Oil
- Turbine Oil
- Gear Oil
- Lubrication Oil
- Engine Oil
- Compressor Oil
- Thermic Fluids
- Transformer Oils
- Honing Oil
- Quenching Oil
- Edible Oil
- Flushing Fluids
- Testing Oils
- Water Glycols
- Fire Resistant Fluids
- Rust Preventive Oils
- EDM Oil
- Solvents etc
Online Oil Cleaning Systems
For critical applications of hydraulic powerpacks,
we offers Online Installations which are more
beneficial. Injection Molding Machines, CNCs, SPMs, Heavy Presses, Hot Presses, Bailing Machines, Die-casting Machines, Testing Rigs etc. have Servo Valves (eg MOOG Valves), Variable Pumps, Hydraulic Motors (eg Hagglund Drive) and sometimes microprocessor controlled interface devices (eg Demag DFE cards) in their hydraulic circuits. For least breakdowns and better life of these machines, the OEM recommendation is Super-clean oil (NAS 5) with Zero moisture at all times.
Our Online Installations on powerpacks
ensure an oil cleanliness value of NAS 4
or better and Zero Moisture at all
times. These installations also help to
protect lubricant additives and prevent
oil from degrading. This also ensures
indefinite oil life.
Industrial Filters
We supply industrial filters using advance technology and high quality equipments, we supply industrial filters for various industrial application.
Oil Testing Kits (Offline)
VJ Engineering offers economical, quality and easy oil testing kits for the use of maintenance
personnel. These testing kits cannot match the accuracy of a lab result but can of-course help you draw an idea of your oil quality and take further action.
Oil tests which can be observed are Solid Particle Contamination (NAS / ISO Class), Moisture Content (PPM Level / %age), Kinematic Viscosity (CST), TAN / TBN Value. These kits are readily available at best price in the market. We also offer training on kit usage.
Oil Monitoring Instruments (Online)
We are offering German Technology Online Oil Monitoring Instruments. For critical applications of lubrication and hydraulics, it is essential to have on-board online monitoring of oil quality for Contamination Class (NAAS / ISO Class), Moisture Levels, Temperature, Flow etc.
Our instruments can be easily retrofitted to any circuit and also connected to PLC for alarming and further action.
Major Application areas :
- Turbine Control System (Governing System)
- Heavy Hydraulic Press
- Testing Rigs
- Aeronautical Applications
- Shipping Applications etc
Centrifugal Air Pre-Cleaners
We offer Centrifugal Air Pre-cleaners used in large number of industries. Avail from us an extensive line of precision engineered Air Pre Cleaner Centrifuges.
Oil Filtration Services / Oil Purification Services
We offer Oil Filtration Services to all type of Industries in Malaysia. We offer Oil Filtration and Oil Purification services for Hydraulic Oil, Gear Oil, Transformer Oil, Turbine Oil, and etc. The industries we serve including but not limited to:
- Steel Industries
- Non-Ferrous Industries
- Cement Industries
- Automotive Industries
- Plastic Industries
- Oil Palm Industries
- Rubber Industries
- Paper Industries
- Bearing Industries
- Die Casting Industries
- Precision Industries
- Injection
Molding Industries
- Blow
Molding Industries
- Stamping Industries
- Tiles Industries
- Textile Industries
- Extrusion Industries
- Turning &
Cutting Industry
Industrial Services & AMCs
We offer Industrial Services & AMCs. Get an initial overview about the wide range of value added services we offers for industrial clients and projects including On-Site Oil Filtration Services, Laboratory Oil Analysis, On-Site Oil Testing and Total Lube Management
Centralized Lubrication Systems
Our organization offers highly efficient Centralized Lubrication System For Sugar Mills. These systems are precision engineered, using high-end technologies and production methods.